VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Now that the federal campaign is underway, it seems Conservative Leader Stephen Harper isn’t speaking to media much more than before.
Harper was the only federal leader to not take questions from journalists after last evening’s debate.
Justin Ling is the parliamentary correspondent for VICE News; he calls the move yesterday “stunning.”
“The prime minister has not put himself in front of a group of political reporters in some time. I guess I shouldn’t have expected any more last night,” he tells us.
Ling says since the campaign started, Harper has taken about five questions a day. “And the way that works is basically the first four questions will go to the media travelling with the prime minister on his bus. The only media on that bus are media that are paying the $3,000/day to be there.”
He points out other leaders will ban media, but they often provide other opportunities for open questions.
We asked the Conservative Party whether this will be the norm through the campaign.
In an e-mail, the party says Harper spoke directly to Canadians for two hours, answering serious questions during the debate, adding the PM takes questions directly from reporters at announcements across the country.